Zhengchun Liu (刘正春)

Senior Machine Learning Scientist at AWS

Home Research Publication Experience Team News
  • 10/2024 One of the key products, AI-driven scaling and optimization in Amazon Redshift Serverless, that our team reseached and developped in the past two years is Generally Available now. It was Launched in Re:Invent 2023 by Peter Desantis(SVP at AWS).
  • 07/2024 Our paper on Why TPC is not enough: An analysis of the Amazon Redshift Fleet is accepted by VLDB 2024. Along this line, I have published papers on: 1/ How are researchers moving scientific data, 2/ How are supercomputers used by researchers paper 1, and paper 2. This series of research reveal the common mismatch between benchmark and actual workload, service that is designed for vs. actually used as by real customers.
  • 06/2024 Present our work on Machine Learning in Redshift for Redshift Autonomics at SIGMOD 2024, slides.
  • 03/2024 Two papers, 1/ Autonomous Cloud Data Warehouse and 2/ Machine Learning in Data Warehouse for Data Warehouse, are accepted by SIGMOD 2024.
  • 11/2023 Our AI-driven Autonomous Data Warehouse is launched Keynote. I’m honored to lead the AI/ML part, more technical details are available in Tim Kraska’s Talk.
  • 03/2023 I was promoted to a Senior Applied Scientist, keep working on ML for large scale systems at AWS AI Labs.
  • 08/2022 I’m on a Sabbatical leave from Argonne National Laboratory since 08/12 and joined AWS AI Labs as a Machine Learning Scientist to work on ML for large scale systems.
  • 07/2022 I am, the 3rd time, awarded the IMPACT ARGONNE award for notable achievement in Innovation.
  • 07/2022 My first ever NSF proposal for Scalable Deep Learning-Based Quantitative Ultrasound Tomography was funded.
  • 05/2022 I was promoted as a Computer Scientist (tenure, from an Assistant Computer Scientist), which is comparable with the tenured faculty member at a university.
  • 03/2022 Austin Yunker joined my team as a predoc to work on AI-assisted Non Destructiveinspection (NDI), and system/framework for scientific machine learning.
  • 03/2022 Join our force on wide area data transfer optimization with Globus team, our solution won the Best Integrated Software Experience award at SCA’22, story.
  • 11/2021 Our paper got the Best paper award by The 3rd annual workshop on Extreme-Scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP) at SC’21.
  • 06/2021 Ahsan Ali joined us and will work on frameworks and workflows for rapid deep neural network (re)training using HPC and data center AI systems.
  • 05/2021 Xiaolong Ma from University of Nevada, Reno starts his internship and will work on system for machine learning.
  • 05/2021 Simon Zhang from Purdue University starts his internship and will worl on AI for Scientific Application.
  • 02/2021 Our paper, about “Design and Evaluation of a Simple Data Interface for Efficient Data Transfer Across Diverse Storage” has been accepted by the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS).
  • 05/2020 I am deeply honored to receive the IMPACT ARGONNE award for notable achievement in Innovation [Award Plaque].
  • 04/2020 One paper, about Chractering and Identifying HPC applications at leadership computing facility using ony production logs, was accepted by 2020 International Conference on Supercomputing.
  • 04/2020 Gave a talk about AI for Science: Use cases that I worked on and lessons learnt [Slides].
  • 01/2020 Gave a talk on Advancing X-ray Tomography using AI on the APS AI/ML Workshop at Argonne National Laboratory.[Slides, or updated slides]
  • 11/2019 Our work “Real-Time Analysis of Streaming Synchrotron Data over High-Speed WAN using Deep Learning and HPC” won the Top Recognition for an Exemplary Blend of Network, Computing, and Storage @SC’19 by SciNet. [photo, Recognition Ceremony, award, Related work, media-DOE, media-AAAS].
  • 10/2019 Two papers accepted by SC’19 workshops. One about deep learning accelerated light source experiment for tomography and the other about Scientific image Restoration on edge computing device
  • 08/2019 Share our interesting findings from combining, correlating and analyzing multi-dimensional logs of supercomputers at ModSim, Abstract.
  • 08/2019 Panelist of deep learning for facilities at the Monterey Data Conference.
  • 07/2019 Gave a presentation entitled “Advancing X-ray Tomography using Deep Generative Adversarial Networks” in Physical Sciences and Engineering AI Townhall meeting Slides.
  • 06/2019 Present a Poster about our TomoGAN work at MMLS 2019, Abstract.
  • 06/2019 Gave a talk about data science and machine learning for computer system characterization, interpretation and optimization. Slides.
  • 03/2019 I am deeply honored to receive the director’s Pacesetter Award by the Argonne National Laboratory, photo, for excellence in achievement and performance which truly surpasses normal job expectations.
  • 02/2019 One paper entitled “Data transfer between scientific facilities - bottleneck analysis, insights and optimizations” has been accepted by the The 19th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium in Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2019).
  • 11/2018 Our paper: “Throughput Analytics of Data Transfer Infrastructures” won the Best Paper Award at the 13th EAI International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TRIDENTCOM’18).
  • 11/2018 Our paper: “Learning Concave-Convex Profiles of Data Transport Over Dedicated Connections” won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN’18).
  • 11/2018 As part of the SC18 Network Research Exhibition, we present techniques for reducing transfer time of extreme-scale datasets. We achived the goal of moving a petabyte in 1/4 day (actually in 350 minutes), result, report.
  • 10/2018 I am awarded the 2018 Outstanding Reviewer of the American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (AJCSITiMedPub), Certificate.
  • 10/2018 One paper entitled “Building a Wide-Area File Transfer Performance Predictor: An Empirical Study” has been accepted by the International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking(MLN’18)
  • 10/2018 One paper entitled “Measurements and Analytics of Wide-Area File Transfers over Dedicated Connections” has been accepted by the The 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking(ICDCN’19)
  • 09/2018 One paper entitled “Learning Concave-Convex Profiles of Data Transport Over Dedicated Connections” has been accepted by the International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking(MLN’18)
  • 09/2018 One paper entitled “Throughput Analytics of Data Transfer Infrastructures” has been accepted by the 13th EAI International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TRIDENTCOM’18), (Best paper awarded).
  • 07/2018: Invited to serve as a PC Member for DAAC workshop @ SC’18.

  • 06/2018 I am honourably won the Extraordinary Doctorate Awards by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, certificate.

  • June 18, 2018 Our paper on “Towards a Smart Data Transfer Node” has been accepted to publish in Future Generation Computer Systems.

  • May 22, 2018 Our paper on “Transferring a Petabyte in a Day” has been accepted to publish in Future Generation Computer Systems.

  • May 14, 2018 An invited paper entitled A comprehensive study of wide area data movement at a scientific computing was submitted to the Scalable Network Traffic Analytics workshop in conjunction with the 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’18) (SNTA’18).

  • May 8, 2018 Paper on Toward Autonomic Science Infrastructure: Architecture, Limitations, and Open Issues was accepted to present at the 1st AI-Science workshop held in conjunction with HPDC’18.

  • One paper on “Cross-geography Scientific Data Transfer Trends and User Behavior Patterns” was accepted by the 27th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC’18),

  • I accomplished an online course about Sequence Models taught by Andrew Ng on coursera. They are quite helpful on mastering Deep Learning and understanding how to apply it in practice. Feb. 04, 2018.

  • I accomplished an online course about Convolutional Neural Networks taught by Andrew Ng on coursera. They are quite helpful on mastering Deep Learning and understanding how to apply it. Nov. 30, 2017.

  • I attended the SC’17 and gave a talk entitled “Towards a Smart Data Transfer Node” [] at the the Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science workshop.

  • Two papers got accepted by the 4th International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS) 2017 held in conjunction with SC’17. Oct. 13, 2017.

  • One paper got accepted by the 13th IEEE eSceince international conference. Aug. 8, 2017.

  • I accomplished three online courses about Deep Learning (i.e., Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization, and Structuring Machine Learning Projects) taught by Andrew Ng on coursera. Nov. 14, 2017.

  • One paper got accepted by the 2017 International Conference on Computational Science. May 23, 2017. link

  • I gave a talk about Explaining Wide Area Data Transfer Performance in HPDC’17. []

  • I gave a talk about “Explaining/Understanding Wide Area Data Transfer Performance” in GlobusWorld 2017. []

  • One paper is accepted by Journal of Computational Science link. May 10, 2017.

  • New paper on explaining wide area data transfer performance was accepted by the 26th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC’17), [Preprint , Highlight].

  • One paper is accepted by Computers & Industrial Engineering link. Nov. 28, 2017.

  • I am organizing the 13th International Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems as a co-chair, [call for paper].

  • I joined the Argonne National Laboratory as a Postdoctoral appointee since Sep. 2016.

  • I defended my Ph.D. thesis (Modeling and Simulation for Healthcare Operations Management using High-Performance Computing and Agent-Based Model, ) on July 22, 2016 and my thesis awarded the Summa Cum Laude (the highest score regulated by RD 534/2013, wiki).

  • I gave a talk entitled Modeling and Simulation for Healthcare Operations Management using High-Performance Computing and Agent-Based Model to the Argonne National Laboratory via a Teleseminar on April 29, 2016.

  • I gave a presentation entitled: A Bottom-up Simulation Method to Quantitatively Predict Integrated Care System Performance at The 16th International Conference for Integrated Care held in Barcelona, Spain. () 2016/May/23~25.

  • I visited the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Discrete Computing Systems Group, worked with professor Kalyan S. Perumalla, from Dec. 2015 to Apr. 2016.

  • I gave a presentation entitled: Simulating the Micro-level Behavior of Emergency Departments for Macro-level Features Prediction at 2015 Winter Simulation Conference held in Huntington Beach, CA, USA. () 2015/Dec./6~9.

  • I got the Online Course DAT203x: Data Science and Machine Learning Essentials HONOR CODE CERTIFICATE from edX by Satya Nadella and Björn Rettig, Microsoft. 2015/Nov./4.

  • I participated in the 10th Marathon of Parallel Programming Contest and got the First place. Results. 2015/Oct./19; Certificate.

  • We participated in the 5th Spanish Parallel Programming Contest and got the First place, Record. 2015/Sep./23.

  • I gave a presentation entitled: Model of Collaborative UAV Swarm Towards Coordination and Control Mechanisms Study at International Conference on Computational Science 2015 Reykjavík, Iceland. 2015/Jun./1~3.

  • I presented a talk entitled: High Performance Computing Based Simulation for Healthcare Decision Support (, PDF) on the second BSC International Doctoral Symposium, 5~7 May 2015.

  • I got the Online Course Mining Massive Datasets Statement of Accomplishment (SoA) from Coursera by Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman and Jeff Ullman, Stanford University. 2015/April/9.

  • I gave a presentation entitled: A Generalized Agent-Based Model to Simulate Emergency Departments at SIMUL 2014, Nice, France. () 2014/Oct./12~16.

  • I got the Online Course Machine Learning Statement of Accomplishment (SoA) from Coursera by Andrew Ng, Stanford University. 2014/Sep./30.

  • I gave a presentation about Study of Emergency Department by Using High Performance Computing at Jornadas sarteco 2014, Valladolid, Spain. () 2014/Sep./16~19.

  • We participated in the IV Spanish Parallel Programming Contest and got the second place, Link. 2014/Sep./18, how did I get it? :-).

  • I presented a poster at the V CONFERENCE: R+D+I Research and Development in ICT and Health. Girona, Spain, June 2014.
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